Tuesday 28 June 2016

I just purchased a Memory Card. Why doesn’t it work?

It is advised that you format the new memory card in your dslr camera before use. Don’t know how to format it??? I am happy to share the under-mentioned video with you:

Happy Shooting! J

Monday 27 June 2016

What is ISO?

In Digital Photography, ISO measures the sensitivity of the image sensor. When choosing/ setting your ISO on your digital camera, be sure to ask yourself the following questions:

1. Light - Is the subject well lit?
2. Grain - Do I want a grainy shot or one without noise?
3. Tripod - Am I using a Tripod?
4. Moving Subject -Is my subject moving or stationary?

Always remember, if there is plenty light - use a low ISO rating. If it is dark however; there will be a need for you to increase your ISO rating.

Hope you find these tips helpful. Happy Shooting! :-)

Monday 20 June 2016

Newborn Shoot

Amazing shoot done with this little cutie. Interesting posing tips/ ideas; however I DISAGREE with the Flash Photography.... What do you guys think???

Nikon D5 Launch

OhhhhhhhhMmmmmmmGggggggg!!! Have you heard? The new Nikon D5 has been released! #hotflashes #cantbelieveit #cantaffordit #Sigh

To all my Nikon fans:

Tuesday 14 June 2016

Shooting Portraits

Take a deep breath in; Relax and read these 5 tips for shooting great portraits:

1.      Choose the Right Lens e.g. 50mm portrait lens
2.      Set Your Aperture/F-Stop
3.      Check your Exposure Compensation
4.      Check and Set your Shutter speed settings
5.      Increase/ Decrease your ISO to suit your subject

Hope you find these tips helpful. Happy Shooting!!! J

Monday 13 June 2016


There are sooooo many good options in respect to portrait lenses. It is important however, to understand the lens effect - that distortion, compression, angle of view, and depth of field it has on your image. Here are some tips that I recommend:

1. When shooting in a tight space - A 35mm or 50mm prime lens is a good choice.
2. When shooting both groups and individuals - A 24-70mm f2.8 zoom lens
3. My personal favourite however is the Tamron 18-200mm lens. I consider this to be my all-purpose lens. Its pleasing compression, particularly when zoomed all the way in is just fantastic.
Happy Shooting!!! J

Sunday 12 June 2016


Light varies enormously in terms of colour, intensity and contrast!

While bright contrasty light may be perfect for many kind of photographers, other conditions are more suited for other subjects. It all depends on the effect you are trying to achieve:

1. Bright Sunlight - BOLD COLOURS

2. Stormy Weather - DRAMATIC LIGHTING

3. Soft Lighting - DETAILED SUBJECTS


5. Sunny with Clouds - GREAT SKIES

6. Cloudy and Overcast - MUTED TONES

Tips on Shooting Children

As photographers I am pretty sure someone can relate to my experience of shooting a child. Dat moment where you are getting difficulties in getting the child to focus - Oh the struggles!!! Sooooo, I was hired to do a portrait of a little 3-year old boy and for a moment then I felt as though I wasn't going to be successful in getting this portrait done. I think he was being more distracted by something else lols :-)

But after trying multiple tactics, I was able to get a beautiful portrait that both myself and the client were satisfied. Based on my experience, I was able to generate 3 tips that I would love to share in respect to shooting kids:

1. Be Patient with them - Most important!!! Some kids will not warm up to you immediately. In response to this, sit down at their level and play with them. Become their friend first and they'll trust you the rest of the day.

2.Capture who they are - It can be a simple photograph of them staring out... such as the following:

3. Let's see the face - Children have the most amazing eyes. Capture the child in his or her natural environment. Concentrate on beautiful facial shots. Focus on the eyes and you'll be able to capture a lovely image such as this one: Too Cute :-)

Thursday 9 June 2016

Outdoor Shoots with kids

Her Compliments though lols... That's Soooo ME when shooting kids.. I can definitely relate. Great job Jessica on the tips!!!

Maternity Session

Had such an amazing maternity shoot session today - like OMGGGGG! Seriously – this couple (parents-to-be) almost made me drop my camera from laughing so hard. Thankfully I didn’t and I was able to get some really good shots.

P.S. Anxious to see their little bundle of joy soon :-)